Mittwoch, 30. April 2008


Lately this word has shown up as a polemical word in last conversations with colleagues, specially when stating my concept of trust. In a way, this last part just evidences that people's vocabulary just do not share the same meanings. Nothing knew under the sun, except for the insistence of one to state that trusts some other that he/she should trust him/her.

Despites the subjectiveness of the word itself it very common to hear something like: you can trust me. There just cannot be a worse statement than this one. It is like pushing someone to say something he does not want and the word becomes more like a "I won't tell nobody" than an actual something to do with trust. It is not also a trust established by any sort of "special" linkage such as family members, long date friends, workmates and so on.

Closer the linkage bigger the shock, mainly family, because somehow it's generally accepted that family members are trustworthy or trustful . However the trustiness degree decreases according to the distance of the blood relationship. It can be a rule, rules have exceptions, rules can change.

Regarding to degrees of trustiness this is what makes the whole thing funny. If it could be measured, I use percentages. One could trust the other in this and that issue, but when it comes to someone or something in which there is a converging conflict in between two or more really trustful information. Then the relation linkage or self interest play a role. There is also trust related only to some issues, areas or situations.

Whenever one says "I trust John" meaning as close to 100% as possible, I would consider this person at least special for me. Nevertheless it does not mean that even a "ranked" 100%, if human, can fall within the imperfectness. Meaning people do mistakes. I also use this one for the "sure" word. For instance you ask a stranger on the street: blablablablabla? I am sure , blabalblabla isthat way. Usually I come up with the "What's the percentage of your sureness?". Most times they just don't get it and I specify 30%, 70%, 80% according to my "feeling" at that right moment.

Such word as trust is only reasonably used after a long lasting and built relationship with someone. I am really skeptical towards it, specially when related to money or affection. Where I come from people are really open and talkative, fact that does not show or evidence reliability. In opposition: it can be misleading. And as a mathematician, statistician, accountant or economist would say: These are not absolute numbers.

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