Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2009


Better late then never,

I have been following some developments of general environmental and sustainable issues in the international arena and some deeper insights into a few speficic themes for a while now, but some outcomes are impressing me lately. Not just the ongoing debates pertaining the climate change meeting in Copenhagen but the backgroung on the fight in between skeptics and data published from scientific institutions and IPCC about climate change research for instance

Even though I consider myself pretty green and peaceful, the skeptics do have a point on transparency in the international area, democratization of the data and the revision of peer review procedures. The funny thing is that a "scandal"  like this one, that the Amis name as Climagate and which has been on American news for the past weeks, has a clear discredit point: its motivation.

Apparently, skeptics claim to have found several scientific errors and "tricks" within samples utilized, methods, calculations, codes of the used softwares among others. I ll dig a bit on that later.

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